Sudachi Hime
‘Sudachi Hime’ uses the Sudachi juice squeezed the locally cultivated Sudachi.
It is a fruity taste sake with clear acidity and fresh aroma. Enjoy it with ice or straight.

Types of alcohol Liqueurs
Contents 500ml
Alcohol content 8%
Ingredients Shochu group Ko(domestic),Sugar,Sudachi juice(from Tokushima),
Authentic Shochu(barley),Flavors,Acidulant
About Sudachi

Sudachi is dark green in color and it is about the size of a golf ball. Its best season is between August and September. Its juice is used as a luxury seasoning for cooking and making drinks including alcohol beverages. Sudachi juice is always a favorite for locals and it is often used on grilled fish and sashimi as a luxury seasoning.

Nutrition comparison of Sudachi, Yuzu and Lemon
Tokushima is the largest producer of Sudachi and owns over 90% of the Japanese market! The reason is that in Tokushima there are long days and a mild climate throughout the year is suitable for cultivating Sudachi.
Sudachi contains more richer nutrition than Lemon.
Yuzu peels are often thinly sliced for adding flavor to dishes. Also when cut in half, Sudachi can be poured over dishes and alcohol beverages.
Way of drinking
We recommend you to drink it with ice or with a yogurt drink (45ml of ‘Sudachi Hime’ and 45ml of yogurt drink).
It has a fresh taste and good to drink in hot seasons.
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